Everybody has problems now and then. Emotional, relational, professional, personal, and mental issues all exist. They might come on suddenly, repeatedly, be tolerable, or be awful. Being able to articulate them is a major step in the right direction.
Fadfad is a modern solution that allows individuals to anonymously vent, discuss social concerns, pressure, and mental health with other users and coaches, as well as obtain wellness advice and goods. Fadfad is completely anonymous. No one, including your coaches, will know who you are.
About the founder of Fadfad
Nasser Al Misned, a communication student at Northwestern University in Qatar, got the idea of creating an app that will provide emotional support online at one of the lessons. His lecturer assigned his students the task of creating company ideas, and most of them came up with a variety of mental health-related suggestions. That showed a deficit in such services in Qatar.
Being only twenty-year-old, Nasser understands how tough it is to be a teenager. As the university years can be really vulnerable, initially the app was directed at counseling young people. With time, though, he realized that mental wellness does not have an age limit. Mental health concerns affect older individuals just as much as they do young people. Now Fadfad provides help for everybody who needs it.
The principles of Fadfad
With the vision and finances for his company concept in place, Al Misned turned his attention to building the ideal team. Now trained, distinctive, and enthusiastic coaches have a track record of helping thousands of individuals feel better.
However, medical advice, treatment, medication, or prescriptions are not provided by Fadfad coaches. They have a responsibility to inform you if they believe you may require medical attention. Fadfad guarantees non-judgmental, private, and anonymous talks. You can rely on them.
Members’ data privacy and anonymity are crucial to the company. You have the option of turning on or off the camera as a member. Fadfad wants people to feel at ease to the point where they may distort or modify their voice in the app to vent in a secure environment.
Download FADFAD from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.